✩  This game is the demo version and is still in the development.  ✩

You are the new staff at the Dukas Company and Eric assigned you to work along with Bella. You spend most of your time with Bella but also meet other staff around. Strangely, you develop feelings towards Bella...

✩  Web version might take a while to load, please be patient. If it's not showing, try clicking on it, It should show up. But if the wait is unbearable, please check out the download version.  ✩


✩  3 options to go through the storyline


TIME_WITH_BELLA-win32-x64.zip 74 MB

Install instructions

For Windows:

  1. Download 'TIME_WITH_BELLA-win32-x64.zip' file.
  2. Extract it in a folder of your choice.
  3. Open the folder you extracted a game in.
  4. Open the 'TIME_WITH_BELLA.exe'
  5. Play! HAVE FUN!


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Thank you, Arthur. ✩